Intermezzo by Ponce

birdI take regular strolls at a nearby park and I become captivated by the peaceful scenery of birds gliding through the sky. They have no inhibition about flying (or falling). This particular picture tugs at my heart because it reminds me of a promise that I received that one day I would fly around the world and sing to those who would listen. I will be free; no amount of fear will shroud my confidence in the purpose I have set out to fulfill.

What holds you captive from finding Freedom? Why do we grasp so tightly to the things that need to be released? Whether they be fears of failure, rejection, disappointment, or the unknown, we allowed lies (not being smart/wealthy/powerful/attractive enough) to seep into our soul – and we believed them. Wholeheartedly.

It’s time to move on.

When I take my stroll, I listen intently to the songs of these birds. Each one has an individual voice and quite frankly, some songs sound more lyrical than others. Naturally, I pay special attention to the squawking because they, too, have something important to say.  It seems that the squawking provides the harmonic accompaniment for the melodic singing. They finish their tunes and fly over the hills until they find another tree branch and start all over again.

I believe in humanity to soar and reach the sky. We will no longer be suppressed by lies and our unique voices will resonate across the universe. We will sound absolutely beautiful. Perhaps our music will resemble like that of Manuel Ponce’s Intermezzo.