Romance: Andante by Korngold

Oftentimes, I gaze at the sky and watch birds glide effortlessly in and out of white wispy clouds. Their wings spread widely, they seem to go wherever the breeze directs them. I wonder- when they soar over purple mountains, shimmery waters, and fields of gold, do they realize that their existence is a gift to freely view the majesties of the world? Do they also know that they have gifted us with original songs long before we tried to strum a lyre or sing Gregorian chants?

The second movement, Romance, of Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s Violin Concerto Op. 35 reminds me of a songbird pouring out her heart telling stories about her travels. She has been to all the wonders of the world and has perceived a universal truth about humans. Leading extremely busy lives just to earn a day’s wage, most of them miss the miracles that happen everyday. Their spirits hardened due to the demands of society, people do not hear the free musical concerts provided by her fellow companions or the sagacious words offered under the shade by grand oak trees. She wonders- when will they take notice of the warm embrace of sunshine or the meadows of colorful flowers smiling directly at them?

With life’s mysterious curveballs thrown at me regularly, I have learned to give myself ten minutes everyday to love the world around me. I hope you do the same; for, a cherished moment lasts a lifetime.

What are your thoughts?